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1. Eating after 6pm does not mean you can’t burn the calories off. It doesn’t matter what time you eat your food- what does matter is how many calories you consume. 🕕

2. There is not as much difference as you think been brown and white products. The difference between brown and white rice or sweet potato and white potato is minimal. They have very similar calories and macronutrients. Don’t stress too much about which one to have.

3. Lifting weights will NOT make you bulky!! I wish. Females do not produce enough testosterone naturally to build muscle so quickly, plus most females do not train hard enough 😬.

4. Fat loss can look a lot different to weight loss- so stop watching the scales. ⚖️

5. Eating eggs will not increase your body’s cholesterol!! The strongest influence on your body’s cholesterol is how much saturated fat and trans fats you consume. Eggs are very low in saturated fats and contain no trans fat. There is no significant correlation between cholesterol in the food you consume and cholesterol in your body.

6. NEAT- Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Basically, the calories you burn whilst doing normal day to day activities like walking, shopping, cleaning. No good hitting the gym hard but then sitting on your arse the rest of the day and wondering why you aren’t losing the fat? Keep your NEAT up!

7. Avoiding carbs in your evening meal- just no. We best tolerate carbohydrates post-workout and later in the day. It also helps you sleep better 😉👌🏻

8. Stay away from Trans fats to improve your health and keep your body’s cholesterol low. Trans fats are found in cookies, ice cream, cakes & pastries- basically all the good stuff. 🙈

9. Majority of females have cellulite- so please don’t feel you are the only one. The best way to describe it is that females fat is stored differently to men which shows up a lot more clearly under the skin. The higher ones body fat % and less active someone is, the more likely cellulite will show. Cellulite can also be down to genetic factors. My top tips to help reduce cellulite.

  • reduce alcohol and sugars from your diet.
  • keep active to keep blood flowing.- 10,000 steps per day.
  • foam roll or self-massage regularly
  • keep vegetable intake high- 3-4 portions of green vegetables per day.